Match bookings

Details of any matches booked will be posted on this page. If you wish to book pegs for our open matches, or make a booking for a club or other match then you can contact us direct or use the match booking form below

NEW FOR 2023

Whetstone Gorse Wednesday open matches

Starting in July 2023 we will be holding a series of open matches on Wednesday mornings. Draw will be from 0800-0830 fish 0930-1430. Entry fee will be £15.00 per person (£7.00 peg fee, £8.00 pools). Payout places, sections etc will be subject to the number of anglers participating. There will be an optional super pool of £5.00

Dates available (further dates to be added)

19 July 2023 Mallard Lake*

26 July 2023 Moorhen Pool*

2 August 2023 Mallard Lake*

9 August 2023 Moorhen Pool*

16 August 2023 Mallard Lake*

23 August 2023 Moorhen pool

30 August 2023 Mallard Lake

* Additional pegs will be used on both lakes where necessary

Please enter your preferred dates. if a general enquiry with no specific date requested simply enter TBA
Selected Value: 4
Please let us know if you have any special requirements or other queries
Please provide a contact number
Please provide an e-mail address