Latest news and information

You can check out all the latest news on what is happening at the fishery and any upcoming events here

Here you will find information about some of the things we have been doing to maintain and improve the fishery, latest news on any upcoming events and recent catch reports. You can browse the page or use the links below to jump to items of interest

If you have any news or pictures that may be of interest please feel free to submit them to us via the contacts page and we will try to include them here.

  • Working to improve the fishery and environment
  • Recent catches
  • upcoming events
  • Wildlife
  • Angling trust
  • Offers and services

Recent catches

Whilst Moorhen pool has fished consistently, even over the winter months, after a slow start to 2022 Mallard Lake has produced some great fish recently.

Easter 2022

As the weather improved and we enjoyed a warm spell at the end of march, fish were regularly being seen cruising the surface. The bream began to show followed by the carp. Easter weekend saw a monster bream of 7lb, four double figure carp, including the largest of the year to date at 14lb (although this proved to be a short lived record). The first barbel and tench of the year, along with several nice crucians were also reported.

By the end of the week the carp record for the year was surpassed twice with fish of 15 and 16lb. The real star of the show however, was the first “twenty” of the year. A stunning common, which fell to a small pop-up fished close to the island from the south side of the lake, tipping the scales at 20lbs exactly